Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A Trip Around the World

This Friday night & Saturday afternoon- please join me at Hunter open studios, and take a surreal trip around the world in 3D! I'll be unveiling my new series of stereoscopic collages, a project that i'm really excited to show. There will also be brand-new evolutions & incarnations of my painting, video, and diorama work. This Friday, Nov. 16, 6-9pm & Saturday, Nov. 17, 2-6pm at the Hunter MFA building - 450 west 41st, i'm in studio 616. You'll be among the first to take this surreal trip through space & time, hope to see you there!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

"Remix: Selections from the International Collage Center" has continued it's tour around the US, & i'm very pleased to be included in this fantastic survey of collage. Currently at the Daum Museum of Contemporary Art in Sedalia, Missouri. There's also a brand-new 96-page hardcover catalogue, check out the International Collage Center (ICC) for more information.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Unpacking My Library

"Every passion borders on the chaotic, but the collector's passion borders on the chaos of memories." -Walter Benjamin from Unpacking My Library. Dissecting the mindset of the collector, it's a fun and interesting read. There's a certain passion which Benjamin articulates, having been an avid book collector himself. "To renew the old world- that is the collector's deepest desire...". It's a great text, and i highly recommend it - Walter Benjamin: Unpacking My Library- A Talk about Book Collecting. "Only in extinction is the collector comprehended."

Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Kappa Effect

Our relationship to time & space has radically evolved, from the industrial revolution of the 19th century to the digital revolution of the late 20th. A main theme in my artwork is humanity's evolving spatial and temporal perceptions (and interactions) with the world around us. Using collage, I create a temporal and spatial illusion in landscape form, by juxtaposing different parts of the world and different eras in time, right next to each other. So it was exciting to recently discover The Kappa Effect, a psychological phenomenon related to the perception of distance, time, and speed. In experiments, it has been shown that an "observer will base their judgments of the temporal separation between each stimulus, on the spatial separation between each of these stimuli." So basically, the closer things are spatially, the closer we think of them in time as well. The Kappa Effect is a temporal illusion, a phenomenon of human perception. It's an effect which i've been (inadvertently until now) utilizing in my work, in order to create a hallucinatory trip through time.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Recess is in!

Very pleased to be participating in the grand opening show for Francesca Arcilesi Fine Art, at her brand-new gallery in DUMBO. They've shown my work at pop-up shows and art fairs, and now they have a permanent space at 111 Front St. Suite# 222. The opening reception is tonight, Thursday the 12th, from 6-9pm- i'll be there around 7:30, so stop by if you're in the area and want to say hi. The show runs until August 1st.

Hunter MFA Video

I appear briefly in a video about Hunter's MFA program, focusing on the studios & some artists from the program. Follow this link to see it.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I'll Take You There

Happy to be exhibiting in the group show "I'll Take You There: The Constructed Landscape", at Pavel Zoubok Gallery in Chelsea. Opening this Thursday, June 28th from 6-8pm, and running through August 10th. Stop by if you're in the area, it's an amazing group of collage artists.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The doctors table

My studio desk looking a bit like Dr. Frankenstein's laboratory of collage. Picking pieces of the dead, to resurrect & reinterpret. Working with old & new technology. Stay tuned for brand-new experiments with antique stereoscopic collage, coming soon.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

No Other Medicine & Hunter open studios

Have two really cool events coming up- First, this Thursday evening is the reception for "No Other Medicine", an exhibition curated by graduate students from FIT's Art Market program. They are a group of young curators & gallerists, and i'm very pleased to be included in their thesis exhibition. It's located at a great space on the lower east side. Then on Friday evening & Saturday afternoon, Hunter will be having open studios at the MFA building in midtown. I'll be showing some new work & experiments, in my studio 616. I've posted all information about the events below.

"No Other Medicine" April 26 - May 19 (reception April 26, 6-9pm)
NY Studio Gallery
154 Stanton St. (at Suffolk St.)

Hunter Open Studios- April 27, 6-10pm & April 28, 2-6pm
450 West 41st (bet. 9&10 ave) - Studio 616

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Allegory & Fantasy write-up

My solo show at the Hopper House got a nice write-up in a local Nyack newspaper The Journal News- you can read it here. Also received this flattering review from a viewer, which I appreciate very much.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Edward Hopper House Art Center

Thrilled to announce my upcoming solo exhibition: "Max Greis: Allegory & Fantasy in Nature" at the Edward Hopper House Art Center, in Nyack, NY. Opening reception this Saturday March 31, 5-7pm, running through May 13. Gallery hours are Thurs-Sun, 1-5pm, or by appointment. The family and childhood home of Edward Hopper, where he grew up until his 20's. They have some of his earliest work, art tools and family heirlooms. In separate exhibition rooms within the house, I will be displaying several paintings and a video.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The BRIColeurs

Excited to be participating in The Bricoleurs at the BRIC Rotunda Gallery, in downtown Brooklyn. Founded in 1981, the Rotunda Gallery is the oldest continuously operating contemporary art space in Brooklyn. Bricolage, "to make creative and resourceful use of whatever materials are at hand (regardless of their original purpose)", was a term made popular in the Claude Lévi-Strauss book Pensée Sauvage. I have four paintings and one video piece in this exhibition.